LapiFusion / Lapidus Procedure

The goal of the Lapidus procedure is to realign the bones of the foot, correct the structural deformity, and stabilize the joint to address the underlying cause of the bunion. This surgery is considered when conservative measures, such as physical therapy, orthotics, or changes in footwear, have been ineffective in managing the bunion and its associated symptoms.

What to expect during a Lapidus procedure:

1. Incision: The surgeon makes an incision on the top of the foot near the junction of the first metatarsal bone and the midfoot.

2. Bone Realignment:
The surgeon realigns the first metatarsal bone by removing a small wedge of bone at the base of the bone. This helps to correct the abnormal angulation of the bone that contributes to the bunion deformity.

3. Joint Fusion:
After realigning the bone, the surgeon fuses the joint using screws or plate fixation devices to stabilize it. This fusion prevents excessive movement at the joint and promotes proper alignment of the bones.

4. Soft Tissue Adjustment:
In some cases, soft tissue procedures, such as tightening or realigning the ligaments, may be performed to further stabilize the joint and correct any imbalance in the foot’s structure.

5. Closure and Recovery:
The incision is closed, and the foot is typically immobilized in a cast or a specialized boot to protect the surgical site and promote proper healing.

Recovery from a Lapidus procedure involves a period of non-weight-bearing or limited weight-bearing on the operated foot. Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises are often prescribed to aid in recovery, restore strength, and improve mobility.

The Lapidus procedure is a surgery that aims to address the root cause of severe bunion deformities by altering the bone alignment and stabilizing the joint. As with any surgical procedure, risks and benefits should be thoroughly discussed with your surgeon, and the decision for surgery should be based on individual circumstances and the severity of the bunion deformity.If you have a bunion, book a consultation with one of our experienced podiatrists to discuss which procedure is best for you.