Tenex for Tendonitis and Plantar Fasciitis

Here’s how the Tenex procedure typically works:

1. Diagnosis:
Before performing Tenex, your podiatrist will diagnose the condition and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Conditions like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis involve inflammation and degeneration of tendons or fascia, which causes pain and limited mobility.

2. Anesthesia:
The patient is given local anesthesia to numb the area where the procedure will be performed, ensuring that they do not feel pain during the process. Frequently, patients are also given sedation by an anesthesiologist to make them comfortable during the procedure.

3. Ultrasound Imaging:
Ultrasound is used to precisely locate the damaged tissue.

4. Tenex Procedure:
A specialized device, called the Tenex system, is used to perform the procedure. It includes a small, vibrating probe that is inserted through a tiny incision near the affected tendon or fascia.

5. Tissue Removal:
The vibrating probe is used to break up and remove the damaged tissue from the affected area. The high-frequency vibrations of the probe help to break down the diseased tissue while protecting the healthy tissue from damage.

6. Closure:
Once the procedure is completed, the small incision is closed with a bandage or a stitch.

7. Recovery:
Recovery time is generally shorter than with traditional surgical methods. Patients can usually bear weight and resume normal activities relatively quickly, but the exact recovery period can vary depending on the individual and the location of the procedure.

The goal of the Tenex procedure is to remove the damaged tissue that is causing pain and inflammation while preserving the healthy tissue. This minimally invasive approach is often considered when conservative treatments have not provided sufficient relief.

Consult with one of our trained podiatrists to determine whether the Tenex procedure is appropriate for your specific condition and to discuss the potential benefits and risks.